Life in Singapore...LAH!

Not everybody is given the chance to be sent abroad for work, I'm one of the lucky few. I'm currently with the business process outsourcing (BPO) arm of the Deutsche Bank Group. It is in the nature of our work to go to different locations for training or work simulation, with the intent of migrating some processes to Manila.
This is actually my second trip outside of the country, the first one was a 9-day "replacement" tour of duty at the Hong Kong office. I've been here in SINGAPORE since November 2005, just went home for Christmas 2005 and last Feb 14 for my parents' wedding anniversary, and I'll be staying here until the end of June.
Had my share of up's and down''s been mostly an uphill battle for me. With only over a month before I head home, i try to be more upbeat, less feeling of homesickness, but more anxiety as to how life would be back home...There have been a lot of changes on my daily activities...
Can't wait to go back home! As my friend would've put it: "Ecx, ilang tulog na lang!"
Can't wait to be in the arms and company of the people that mattered most...The remaining days seemed longer, seemed more dragging...even my boss looks more panicky and my tasks harder...
But hey! I spent nearly eight months here, what's a few remaining days going to do!
I'll savor the remaining days here in Singapore, starting with my walking tour next, next Saturday. I don't know where, but I'll try to cover as much ground as possible. I'll do my last-minute shopping, that is if I still have money...I'll try to visit all the museums and places I haven't been to...It's not much I know...after all, the place is so small...
Next year's tour of duty is still unknown, but definitely not as long as this one, I hope it's somewhere outside of Asia, or maybe somewhere exciting, like NY or London...I don't know...but for now, I can't wait to go back home!
My life here in Singapore was good...but there's nothing like HOME...Lah!
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